1st Degree Usui/Holy Fire III World Peace Reiki Classes are now booking for ~ 1st and 2nd degree can be done separately or together over a weekend if you prefer. 1st Degree Usui/Holy Fire III World Peace Reiki ~ An absolute Gift to yourself as you begin your Reiki Journey. The first degree level will attune you directly to Reiki (universal life force energy) .This will enable you to give yourself the healing energy of Reiki, helping you to empower yourself to live your best Life, helping you manage stress, better sleep, pain management, low mood and day to day living. You can also offer Reiki to your family & friends, animals, plants, food and water. The class will include information about Reiki, an attunement to Reiki energy, hand positions for self healing treatment & healing treatment of others, practice, meditation, sharing, questions and answers. Warmth, Joy and So Much Love.
This training includes both Reiki I & II and is a combination of the Western style as introduced by Mrs. Takata, information on the Japanese style and the Holy Fire and World Peace Reiki Energies.
These classes can be done together over a weekend or they can be done as separate days with as much time as you wish in between. The class fee for each day is £200.
On completion of both classes, you will be able to give Reiki treatments to yourself and others.
The following subjects are taught:
• The origin and history of Reiki
• The nature of Reiki energy, why people get sick and how Reiki heals.
• The Reiki Ideals
• The Human Energy System
• The complete hand placement system.
• Gassho meditation
• Byosen Scanning: Using the sensitivity in the hands to locate areas needing healing, (usually in the aura) and to treat them.
• Reiji-Ho: Using inner guidance to know how and where to treat.
• Kenyoku: Dry bathing, a method to purify your energy field
• Gyoshi-ho: Sending Reiki with the eyes.
• How to see Auras
• Sending Reiki at a distance.
• Reiki II symbols: How to draw, activate and use them. Their many uses are explained and their inner meaning is discussed. Practice time is given so students know from experience how the energy of each symbols feels and the results each symbol produces.
• Placements for Reiki I, II are given.
In this class attunements are called Placements. Placements are done differently than attunements, but have been developed to provide more effective healing energy and to empower the symbols in a more powerful way. The Placements make use of Holy Fire and World Peace Reiki energy. The standard Usui Reiki symbols are used in this class.
The class is a combination of teaching, discussion, demonstration and practice time. Each student experiences giving and receiving treatment using Byosen scanning and the hand placement system. Practice time is given using all the Reiki II symbols as well as for the techniques mentioned above in the second degree class.
A class manual and a certificate are included after completion 1st degree class and a further manual and certificate after 2nd degree.
1st Degree Usui/Holy Fire® III World Peace Reiki Class
To Book contact Lorna on 07951 664846 or email lorna@lornamclean.co.uk